These are the organs of my future kin, the test subjects of intensive DNA modification. I wanted to explore this because I feel people are always trying to control everything, even to the extent of messing with DNA, which has helped us make so many advances, but how far are they willing to go to make everything perfect? In my hypothetical future, they try so hard to control mutations in people to benefit society in the way they see fit, they don’t see the beauty in letting the mutations find their way.

This project was for my Class INDN332 FUN taught by Ross Stevens. It was a three project Class and involved a group project at the start which I had never experienced before, and it was a really great experience. This is a 300 level course and I took it as a 200 level student, so I was a little nervous, but I learnt so much especially from my peers in the class everyone was so knowledgeable and I flourished in the growing environment. I was a little lost at the start of the class pressured because I really wanted to do well and only once I got out of that mindset of having to do well, my project was born and I was just floating in the current heading towards the deadline. The project allowed me to be myself and come up with a project that intrigued me. It was about looking into the future but not forgetting the past and it really made me think. I spent most of this project pondering about what our future holds and it was rather wonderful.

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Feeling Blue